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American Democracy Project


Constitution Week is September 12th – 19th!

Constitution Week is the most important week of the Fall semester for MTSU’s American Democracy Project. We partner with the many colleges and university offices that are part of our coalition to host public readings of the Constitution across campus. Along with the public readings, we also invite expert guest speakers to lecture at Tucker Theater on constitutional issues, free for students and faculty to attend. 2023’s Constitution Week theme is “Common Sense Civics: Can We Work Together Again to Solve America’s Problems?” and our distinguished speakers are Former U.S. Congressman Jim Cooper and Former U.S. Senator Bob Corker. 

  • Register to Vote! If you think that you will miss out, you can now register online in the state of Tennessee!

 To get information on past Constitution Day panelists, topics, articles, etc… CLICK HERE!

Contact Us

Dr. Mary A. Evins

American Democracy Project
HONR 221

Graduating Civically Engaged,

Globally Responsible Citizens